The Little Things


What Makes Me Happy?

Research tells us that happy people are more attractive. Even pretending to smile releases the same happy hormones as if you are actually smiling.

It's a weird emotion. 
It hurts if you laugh too much.
You can be so happy that you cry.
Yet, it's one of the best emotions.

I've decided to write this post for those days when I'm a bit under the weather.
Everyone has those days, right?
If you want to pop back, this post will always be here as a reminder of the little things that make me happy - maybe it'll cheer you up too.

So, what makes me happy?

Well, after having a think about it - quite a few things actually.

When you think about it, the number of times you have been hugged, times you've been tucked up in bed and kissed on the cheek - I don't think I could count the numerous happy, content feelings.

Because of that, I have whittled down a list of 25 things that make me happy.
I thought 10 was too few and 50 a bit too many.
So, here we go.

Happiness is: 

1. Waking up with the warm sun on your face
2. Coming home from a hard day at work, finding dinner ready and waiting for you on the table
3. Laughing with your friends and reminiscing about the silly things you did in the past
4. When you are doing your hair and the first style you choose to do works out first time
5. Getting the perfect winged eyeliner, with no wiggly lines or smudges
6. Having something super cute fall asleep on you - like a cat or a puppy, aww!
7. Being given gifts, just for being you
8. Watching ridiculous videos and fails on YouTube
9. Finding a bargain at your favourite store, in your size
10. Receiving a compliment
11. Reaching a goal, whether that's cooking a meal for your family, running 5k or, well anything!
12. Buying a new note book - or two, or three
13. Growing a vegetable - Picking, cooking and eating it
14. When you go on holiday: Sun, sand and swimming
15. Tidying your room and it looking great
16. Slipping into clean bed sheets
17. Getting a like on a Facebook post
18. When someone in a queue of cars, lets you cross over the road
19. Indulging in a hot chocolate, with marshmallows... and cream
20. Playing boardgames and winning
21. Eating chocolate directly from the freezer
22. Hugging someone you haven't seen in ages
23. When people laugh at your jokes
24. Walking through dry, crisp leaves
25. Having a picnic on a summers day

I'm sure there are many more things that make me happy, but here's my little list. They may not be fancy or things that have made me the happiest I have ever been, but it's my list and these little things make me happy.

I think I will look at this post in the future, just as a simple way to make me smile.

What was the happiest moment of your life?

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